
The Future of Carbon Removal: What Lies Ahead for Carbon Markets

February 20, 2024

Addressing climate change is both an environmental and business imperative. The global goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C requires both reducing and removing emissions - simultaneously. Policy plays an important role in closing the gap between the current carbon dioxide removal (CDR) rate and the target set for 2050 (10 GT/year). Scaling CDR to climate relevance can only happen with conducive government policy to allow for long-term planning by investors, buyers, and suppliers.

At a time where carbon removal needs to become an integral part of corporate climate action, understanding the evolving CDR policy landscape is crucial. While the U.S. and the EU are pioneering significant CDR legislation, their approaches are distinct. Companies, especially those eyeing carbon removal credits in the voluntary carbon market, need to navigate these policies effectively to stay ahead and make meaningful contributions to the climate goals.

This webinar offers a comprehensive and unique look into the regulatory developments in the U.S. and EU, providing insights for businesses to inform decisions with regards to their investments in CDR. This session is a deep dive into our recently published paper, detailing the U.S. and EU CDR policy landscape, with insights from the paper's author, Sebastian Manhart.

What you’ll get out of the webinar:

  • Understand the CDR policy landscape: Understand the current state of CDR policy and what it means for businesses.
  • U.S. vs. EU – exploring the divergent approaches: Dive deeper into the distinctive strategies of the U.S. and the EU for CDR, from financial incentives to setting robust standards.
  • From policy to action: Learn how businesses can harness these policies not just for compliance but as strategic tools to spearhead carbon removal initiatives.

Why now?

This is a critical moment for businesses to align their sustainability plans with policy developments. With a blend of policy insights and practical takeaways, this webinar will equip attendees with the knowledge and strategies to make informed decisions about their CDR investments today and prepare for the future.

The 2023 Buyer's Guide to Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Policy


2023 proved to be a major year for carbon dioxide removal. The volume of CDR purchases grew more than 7 times from 2022, thanks to significant purchases from leading companies like Microsoft, Airbus and Swiss Re. CDR buyers are looking increasingly to meet their net-zero commitments via durable carbon removal technologies such as biochar. And a study from McKinsey found that a CDR industry scaled to meet climate-relevant levels by 2050 could be worth up to $1.2 trillion.


While the long-term potential of the industry is exciting and full of promise, the short-term outlook remains uncertain. Suppliers face a challenging funding environment, with concerns about access to project financing and a lack of policy incentives for many durable CDR technologies. Many buyers have questions about getting started with carbon removal and how to get the most out of their investment, while policymakers in capitals from Washington to Brussels discuss the rules that will govern carbon markets over the coming decades.


In this webinar, we’ll take a comprehensive look at what lies ahead for the CDR industry. Our panel of experts will take a deep dive into the standards, technologies and policies that will drive innovation in carbon markets, what to expect following COP28, key trends to watch out for and the dates you should have circled on your calendar.  

What you’ll get out of the webinar:

  • Gain insights into key trends that will shape the CDR market in 2024: Whether you’re a CDR supplier or buyer, what do you need to know to be successful in this emerging market this year?
  • Get an overview of upcoming CDR technologies: What are the new technologies and innovations that are poised to take a big step in the near future? And what are the potential barriers that might stall progress?  
  • Learn how to drive action that fuels long-term results: Commitments today drive the market tomorrow and enable a net-zero future. Find out what policy developments we’re expecting to see in the U.S. and EU, and how these will affect investments made now.