1993 as a family company in France
First Biorefinery established in 2012 in Gyé-sur-Seine in eastern France
Biorefinery 2 in Gyé-sur-Seine (established 2019); Biorefinery 3 at the Girondine de Carbonisation in Lacanau in southwestern France (established 2021)
Soler provides approximately 20,000 French households with renewable electricity
Help their clients reach their net-zero goals and build climate resilient markets
4,144t CO2e of carbon certificates already sold
Gyé-sur-Seine, France
Soler Group has made a commitment to driving growth and development in a sustainable manner as part of their vision for a net zero future. However, scaling up biochar production in a cost-effective way while accessing carbon credit buyers in a new market proved to be a challenge.
With the help of Carbonfuture MRV+, Soler Group has been able to efficiently scale up their biochar production more than threefold since 2021, allowing them to reach all end users and providing Soler with a strong competitive advantage. Soler Group provides sustainable carbon solutions to the agricultural, horticultural, and industrial sectors. In the last three years, more than 4 000 tCO2e of carbon certificates have been produced and tracked from production to sink with Carbonfuture. In the Soler project, each tonne of carbon removal credit sold means another biochar sale is facilitated, and carbon is sequestered.
Building an effective MRV platform is more than just data and statistics. For Soler Group, Carbonfuture MRV+ was a way to expand into a new and potentially lucrative market in a way that aligned with their strong company values.
Founded by three brothers in the 1990s in France, Soler Group went through several iterations before the establishment of the first sustainable production unit in 2012: a cutting-edge technology that takes wood residues from sustainably managed forests and transforms it into renewable carbon (responsible charcoal, biocarbon, biochar and, biocoal) and green energy (electricity). This approach helped Soler Group scale their operations over the next decade, opening two additional biorefineries in France in 2019 and 2021. Today, they’re one of Europe’s leading producers of biochar, biocarbon and responsible charcoal.
Originally understood as a fertilizer and soil amendment, biochar was not part of Soler Group’s long-term business plans. However, as research showed the vast potential of biochar as a tool for durable carbon removal, the Group began to explore what it might mean to move into this new industry. That led to them engaging with Carbonfuture back in 2021.
At that time, Soler Group only produced small amounts of biochar, primarily for legacy customers who used it for farming and landscaping. The cost was prohibitive, and production capacity was limited compared to the Group’s other products. But by working with the Carbonfuture team, that began to change.
“Managing biochar production and reporting requires a lot of time and effort, that’s why it’s so important to have an efficient MRV tool. The transparency of the Carbonfuture system is very reliable, and it must be as robust as possible to provide the best solution for our clients. Having an accurate MRV tool like Carbonfuture MRV+ is essential.”
Thomas Harcourt
Circular Economy Developer, Soler Group
By employing Carbonfuture MRV+, Soler Group was able to quickly certify their CDR activities under Carbon Standards International— a third-party standard — and begin offering carbon removal credits for sale on the Carbonfuture Marketplace, helping offset these costs. This allowed them to ramp up production to the tune of more than 4,000 credits delivered over the past three years — a more than threefold increase since 2021.
While Soler Group had systems in place to track production data, working with Carbonfuture MRV+ enabled them to do so easily and more efficiently, ensuring compliance with third-party standards. The streamlined reporting allowed for improved accuracy and quick auditing for all critical stakeholders, a key feature for potential credit buyers.
“It’s one of the most important aspects of the Carbonfuture MRV+ system,” said Harcourt. “We’re able to quickly provide any information if and when it’s required, without having to think about whether we’ve been tracking the right data.”
Moreover, this partnership has provided Soler Group with a key competitive advantage. Already committed to sustainable processes and helping their clients achieve their net-zero goals with low-carbon materials, moving into the biochar market gave them an opportunity to provide a new, climate-friendly product from materials they were already using, at a significantly improved price point from even a few years earlier.
As a result, Soler Group is well on their way to becoming a European biochar leader, with the support of Carbonfuture MRV+.